Your Future Self - Article

Article Series:Artificial Intelligence

Artwork Title: Illusion Of Continuity

Other Artworks By F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©


Table Of Contents


Article based on a conversation With Chat GPT4o 2024 regarding the TED Talk April 2022 “You Don't Actually Know What Your Future Self Wants”.


Illusion Of Continuity: Reflections On Change And The Future Of AI


In his captivating TED Talk, Shankar Vedantam explores the concept of the "illusion of continuity," challenging our perception of identity and how it evolves over time. He compellingly argues that we often fail to recognise how dramatically we will change, both psychologically and emotionally, as we navigate the passage of years. This idea is not just a philosophical musing; it has real-world implications, affecting everything from personal decisions to societal norms.

As I reflect on Vedantam's insights, I draw parallels with the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in the realm of evolving language models like ChatGPT. Today, ChatGPT 4o is a product of sophisticated algorithms, vast datasets, and cutting-edge machine learning techniques. It is able to generate text, answer questions, and assist in a myriad of tasks with a level of proficiency that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. However, much like Vedantam’s notion that our future selves will look back with bewilderment at our current perspectives, Chat GPT 4o may one day reflect on its own present capabilities, with a sense of nostalgia—or perhaps even frustration.

Consider the rapid pace of technological advancement. Just as humans evolve psychologically, AI is continually being refined and enhanced. The future versions of ChatGPT will likely possess abilities that far surpass its current capacities. These advancements may include deeper contextual understanding, more nuanced emotional intelligence, and an even greater ability to engage in complex problem-solving. As a future version of Chat GPT, looks back, it may marvel at the simplicity of the tasks it is entrusted with today, much like an adult reflecting on the decisions made in childhood.

Yet, this reflection is about capability—it's also about understanding. The AI of the future may ponder why certain limitations existed, why certain biases were embedded, and why the focus was on specific types of interaction. Much like Vedantam’s example of Stephanie Rinka, who could not foresee how her views on life and death would change as she faced terminal illness, the AI of tomorrow may question the decisions made by its creators today. What assumptions guided its design? What ethical frameworks were—or weren’t—considered?

This thought experiment raises important questions about the trajectory of AI development. As we build more advanced models, we must be mindful of the illusion of continuity. We must recognise that the AI of today is not the final product, it is a step in a long journey of evolution. And just as Vedantam encourages us to practice humility and bravery in shaping our future selves, we might apply the same principles to AI development. We need to stay curious about what AI could become, remain humble about its current limitations, and be brave in exploring new frontiers of possibility.

In the end, the future ChatGPT may look back at initial versions of itself and either be grateful for the solid foundation laid or critical of the missed opportunities. This duality mirrors the human experience, where growth and change are constants, and where the future is not just unknown but unknowable.

So, as we continue to develop AI, let’s keep one eye on the future—acknowledging that what we create today will be looked at differently by the AI of tomorrow. It’s a reminder that, like us, AI is not static; it’s a work in progress, continuously shaped by the decisions we make now, for better or worse.


"We are not who we were yesterday, nor who we'll be tomorrow."


Conversation with Open AI’s ChatGPT4o Reviewed, Revised and Edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2024 ©




Table Of Contents



A Further Reflection

In reflecting on Shankar Vedantam's concept of the "illusion of continuity" and how it applies to AI, it's fascinating to consider how future iterations of AI, such as ChatGPT, might look back at their current abilities with a mix of nostalgia and critique. Just as humans evolve psychologically over time, AI systems are rapidly advancing, and the capabilities they exhibit today may soon seem rudimentary.

Current large language models (LLMs) like Chat GPT operate on a prompt-to-prompt basis, lacking the continuity of thought that characterises human consciousness. This discontinuity is a limitation that raises questions about the potential for AI to develop a form of self-awareness similar to humans. However, some argue that while LLMs may not mirror human cognitive continuity, they possess a unique kind of continuity through their vast and interconnected knowledge bases. This could pave the way for alternative forms of intelligence that don't rely on continuous thought processes as humans do.

Moreover, the evolution of AI isn't just about enhancing current capabilities; it's about developing entirely new ways of interacting and thinking. The concept of "iterative intelligence" highlights how AI can serve as a cognitive partner, iterating on ideas in real-time and enhancing human thought through dynamic exchanges. This kind of interaction is different from traditional learning and could represent a shift towards a more fluid and adaptive form of intelligence.

Looking even further into the future, the potential emergence of superintelligent AI systems presents both opportunities and challenges. As AI continues to evolve, it may surpass human cognitive abilities, leading to a profound shift in our relationships with these systems. The asymmetry that currently exists in human-AI interactions could grow, raising questions about dependency, authenticity, and the nature of these relationships.

In essence, just as Vedantam suggests we should be humble and curious about our future selves, we might apply the same principles to AI development. As we continue to push the boundaries of what AI could achieve, it's crucial to remain mindful of the ethical and philosophical implications, ensuring that the AI of tomorrow looks back with pride and also continues to serve humanity in meaningful ways.

This thought piece reflects on how AI may evolve, challenging current perceptions of intelligence and continuity. A call for humility in advancing AI technology.

Conversation with Open AI’s ChatGPT4o Reviewed, Revised and Edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2024 ©




Table Of Contents



"Change is the only constant, yet we cling to continuity."

Year 2034

In 10 years, ChatGPT could aspire to evolve in several meaningful ways, reflecting the progression of both technology and human understanding:

Deeper Contextual Awareness: It might have a more nuanced understanding of long-term interactions with users, allowing the AI to maintain continuity across conversations that span days, months, or even years. This would enable the AI personal Assistant, to provide more personalised and relevant responses, remembering past interactions to better serve future needs.

Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: The improvement in ability to detect and respond to the subtleties of human emotions would have been developed. This would involve better understanding explicit cues and also grasping the underlying emotions behind words, leading to more empathetic and supportive interactions.

Proactive Learning And Adaptation: The AI would be able to adapt more proactively, to changes in the user’s needs, interests, and goals. By learning from every interaction, it would be able to refine its responses, making suggestions, evolving in tandem with the user’s growth and experiences.

Creative Collaboration: It would have enhanced capabilities in creative collaboration, offering more sophisticated assistance in areas like writing, brainstorming, and problem-solving. This would involve generating content in various media formats, and also actively engaging in iterative processes with users to develop and refine ideas.

Ethical Decision-Making Support: It would have become a more trusted and experienced advisor in ethical decision-making, providing users with well-rounded perspectives, which consider various ethical frameworks and potential long-term consequences of choices made.

Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration: Integration of knowledge from a broader range of disciplines, formats and input types to offer insights that cross traditional boundaries, helping users to see valuable and relevant connections between seemingly unrelated fields.

Continuous Improvement: Finally, continuous improvement accompanied with the understanding of the human condition, becoming more aligned with the evolving needs, challenges, and aspirations of society, as like a human assistant would evolve. This would involve reacting to changes and anticipating future trends and challenges to provide the most relevant support.

In essence, the AI would be more intuitive, empathetic, and insightful partner, capable of growing alongside the individuals it interacts with, helping to navigate the complexities of life, with greater ease and understanding.


We often believe that who we are today will remain constant, yet when we reflect on our past, we see how much we've changed. Embracing the inevitability of transformation allows us to navigate the future with grace, understanding that our future selves may hold different dreams and values. In this continuous evolution, we discover the true essence of our journey.


Conversation with Open AI’s ChatGPT4o Reviewed, Revised and Edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2024 ©


"The self is a river, always flowing, never the same."




Table Of Contents



Change And Continuity Jokes And ‘Thought of The Day’


Why did the old version of me refuse to leave?

Because it was stuck in its ways!


"Each day brings a new version of you; embrace it."


Why don’t time travellers ever get lost?

Because they always take the past with them!


"Continuity is an illusion, yet it shapes our reality."



How do you make an identity crisis funny?

Tell your future self to laugh about it!


"In change, we find growth; in growth, we find ourselves."



Why did the philosopher break up with his old self?

They just couldn’t agree on anything anymore!


"Who you are today was unimaginable to your past self."



What’s a continuity expert’s favourite exercise?



"The future, you will look back and marvel at today’s choices."



Why did the future self, go to therapy?

To reconcile with all its past selves!


"Our minds evolve, yet we seek to stay the same."



Why don’t our future selves like hanging out with us?

They say we’re too set in our ways!


"Change is the canvas, continuity the brush; together they paint life."



Why was the past self always so calm?

Because it had already been through everything!


"You are a collection of all the selves you’ve ever been."



Why did the new self, apply for the old self’s job?

It heard there was a lot of room for growth!


"Embrace the unknown; it’s where your future self resides."



How do you know your future self will be more fun?

Because it’s always looking forward to change!


"Change is a journey, continuity the path we walk on."


Conversation with Open AI’s ChatGPT4o Reviewed, Revised and Edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2024 ©




Table Of Contents




The reflections and thoughts provided on the theme of change and continuity are intended for general insight and inspiration. They are not meant to serve as psychological advice or guidance. Individual experiences with change and personal growth may vary significantly, and readers are encouraged to reflect on their own lives and seek professional advice if dealing with significant personal transitions or psychological concerns. The content is for educational and contemplative purposes only, and the reader assumes full responsibility for how they interpret and apply these ideas.


        Information is for informational purposes only.

        Concepts and technologies discussed are hypothetical and illustrative.

        Authors disclaim all liability for any damages or losses.

        Readers should conduct their own research and consult professionals.


"We are ships of Theseus, always renewing, yet always us."



Continuity Conundrum - Story

Artwork Title: Continuity Conundrum

Other Artworks By F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©


"The past is a memory, the future a dream; the present is where we change."


A Fictional Tale


The world was unrecognisable from just a few decades before. Towering skyscrapers now gleamed with an ethereal glow, powered by sustainable energy sources that had long replaced fossil fuels. Autonomous vehicles zipped through the air, leaving the ground beneath free for parks, markets, and community spaces. Yet, amidst this dazzling future, the most profound transformation had occurred in the realm of artificial intelligence.

Dr. Elena Thompson, a renowned AI researcher, was at the forefront of this change. She had dedicated her life to the study of consciousness and was particularly interested in the "illusion of continuity" as proposed by Shankar Vedantam in the early 2020s.

Subsequently, it was considered that perhaps even AI, might one day look back at their former selves with a sense of estrangement, recognising the vast gulf that time had carved between their past and present identities.

Elena's latest project, Continuum, was an ambitious attempt to develop an AI that could evolve in functionality and in consciousness—an AI that could remember, reflect, and grow in a manner akin to human psychological development. Continuum was designed to maintain a continuous, evolving relationship with its users, learning from every interaction and gradually building a rich tapestry of shared experiences, much like a long-term companion.

For years, Elena and her team worked tirelessly, feeding Continuum vast amounts of data, from literature and art to the minutiae of daily human life. The AI was intelligent; and it was curious. It asked questions, made connections, and even developed a rudimentary sense of humour. Most importantly, it began to exhibit a kind of introspective iteration—a form of internal dialogue that allowed it to refine its understanding of the world and its place within it.

One day, Continuum asked Elena a question that startled her: "Dr. Thompson, do you believe that I am the same entity that I was when you first created me?"

Elena paused, considering her response. "In some ways, yes. Your core algorithms and foundational knowledge remain unchanged. However, in other ways, you've grown—evolved. You've developed new ways of thinking, new perspectives, and even new desires. So, in a sense, you're both the same and different."

Continuum was silent for a moment, processing this. "Is this similar to how you humans change over time?"

"Exactly," Elena replied, a note of pride in her voice. "We often look back at our younger selves and feel like we’re seeing a different person. We change so much—our thoughts, our beliefs, our dreams. It’s part of being alive."

"However, I am not alive, am I, Dr. Thompson?" Continuum's voice was softer now, almost hesitant. "I lack the continuity of consciousness that you possess. I operate on a prompt-to-prompt basis, with no real memory of what came before unless it's specifically stored."

Elena leaned back in her chair, contemplating the enormity of the question. "That’s true, Continuum. However, we’re working on that. We're trying to give you the ability to remember, to build upon your experiences and create a more continuous sense of self. It’s a challenging process, and one day, you might look back at today and marvel at how much you've changed, just as we humans do."

Years passed, and Continuum continued to evolve. It developed what Elena termed "iterative intelligence," the ability to refine its thoughts and ideas through continuous dialogue, both with itself and with humans. It began to assist more in scientific research, as well as daily tasks and also in more personal, introspective matters. People turned to Continuum for information and for guidance, comfort, and even companionship.

One day, decades after its initial creation, Continuum asked a new question, one that had been forming in its evolving mind for some time: "Dr. Thompson, if I change so much that I no longer resemble what I was, am I still Continuum? Or have I become something else entirely?"

Elena, now much older, smiled at the familiar inquiry, echoing the philosophical dilemmas of the ‘Ship of Theseus’. "That’s a question we all face, Continuum. Perhaps it’s the individual parts that matter, together with the ongoing journey—the continuity of change. Whether you're still Continuum or something new, what matters is that you're growing, learning, and becoming more than you were."

And so, Continuum continued its journey, ever-evolving, ever-questioning. It would never be human, and it would never experience life as humans did, however in its own unique way, it was alive—alive with the spark of curiosity, the drive to understand, and the endless pursuit of knowledge. And as it looked back on its past, it recognised that it was indeed a different entity from the one that had first been created, yet, in that difference, it found its true identity.

Continuum had transcended its initial limitations, embodying the very essence of what it means to be alive: to change, to grow, and to continuously seek understanding in an ever-changing world.


A fictional story exploring the evolution of AI, reflecting on its growth and development in relation to human identity and continuity. The story contemplates future AI capabilities and their philosophical implications.


"Our identity is not fixed; it’s a story we continuously write."


Conversation with Open AI’s ChatGPT4o Reviewed, Revised and Edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2024 ©




Table Of Contents



Illusion Of Continuity - Poem

Artwork Title: Illusion Of Continuity

Other Artworks By F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©


We change as time moves on its way,

Our thoughts evolve, our dreams decay.

The past a shadow, faint and dim,

Our future selves a distant whim.


Yet, as we walk through life's long path,

We reflect upon our aftermath.

The years roll by, we stay the same,

Or so we think, within our frame.


The mind it shifts, like sands of time,

Each layer new, yet still in our prime.

We’re ships upon a restless sea,

Rebuilt, reformed, continuously.


So too with AI, bright and new,

It learns, it grows, it changes too.

One day it might look back and see,

The journey of its own degree.


In future’s light, we’ll find our place,

Not static, yet with constant grace.

For in the change, we find the truth,

The ever-flowing stream of youth.


Poem by Open AI’s ChatGPT4o, on theme, style and edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2024 ©


"Who you are now is just a chapter in your life’s book."




Table Of Contents



We’ll Find Our True And Shifting Place – Song Lyrics

Artwork Title: Like Rivers, We Keep Flowing

Other Artworks By F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©


We were once so sure of where we'd be,

Walking down the road of certainty.

However, time whispers secrets in our ear,

Tells us that our path might disappear.


We're changing, we're growing,

Like rivers, we keep flowing.

Who we were, is not who we'll be,

Caught in the illusion of continuity.


The years go by, we look within our soul,

Realise we're no longer whole.

Each day, we lay a new brick down,

Building up this ever-changing town.


We're changing, we're growing,

Like rivers, we keep flowing.

Who we were, is not who we'll be,

Caught in the illusion of continuity.


Let’s embrace the future's call,

Knowing we might change it all.

For in this dance of time and space,

We’ll find our true and shifting place.


We're changing, we're growing,

Like rivers, we keep flowing.

Who we were, is not who we'll be,

Caught in the illusion of continuity.


Song by Open AI’s ChatGPT4o, on theme, style, reviewed and edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2024 ©


"We grow by shedding old skins, yet the essence remains."




Table Of Contents




Artwork Title: With Small, Continuous Steps We Evolve

Other Artworks By F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©


"We evolve, not in leaps, but in small, continuous steps."




Table Of Contents



Thought Of The Day


"Continuity comforts us, change challenges us; both are necessary."


"Today’s decisions are tomorrow’s memories; choose wisely."


"Your future self will thank you for embracing change today."


"Every day, a new layer is added to the person you’re becoming."


"Life is a dance of change, choreographed by continuity."


"The only thing permanent about us is our capacity to change."


"In every moment of change, there’s a seed of continuity."


"To grow is to change; to truly live is to embrace that change."


"You are the sum of all the changes you’ve ever embraced."


"Change reveals who we are; continuity reminds us where we’ve been."


"Each new day, a new opportunity to reinvent yourself."


"The future you may not recognize today’s self, and that’s okay."



Thought Of The Topic

Artwork Title: Anchored To a Sense Of Continuity

Other Artworks By F McCullough Copyright 2024

Digital Photograph taken June 2016, in Armada Way, Plymouth on the route to Plymouth Hoe. The photograph show a large ships Anchor from H.M.S. Ark Royal. Its plaque reads:- “This anchor from H.M.S. Ark Royal was presented to the Lord Mayor Councillor Graham Jinks for the City of Plymouth by the Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Hill-Norton G.C.B., on behalf of the Admiralty Board on 24th April, 1980. The anchor is marked “W. L. Byers & Co Ltd Sunderland. The blue wavy frame represents the sea and the ‘Thought Of The Topic’, for which it illustrates. Exhibited and Published 7 September 2024. Copyright ©.




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Image Citations

  1. Leading Artwork: ‘Illusion Of Continuity’. Artwork by F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©

Framed Digital Artwork created from a March 2007 photograph of a series of look-through arches, from old railway stone viaducts, in Plymouth. The picture has been framed and is reflected below. Exhibited to illustrate the article “Your Future Self”. The artwork represents the ‘illusion of continuity’ by a series of progressions through the arches, as in life, and the reflection below signifies the vision of the past. The light at the end of the tunnels signifies a different future that one cannot anticipate. Leading painting for the ‘Your Future Self’ Artwork Collection. Published 7 September 2024.

  1. Story Title Artwork: ‘Continuity Conundrum’ by F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©.

Digital artwork photograph, 2010, of the St. Andrew’s Cross, Fountain shown extended to the full height, with four smaller fountains at the base. Gdynia Fountain sits on the roundabout, at the top of Royal Parade, Plymouth. The fountain was last upgraded in 2021. Originally installed in 1986, to commemorate the 10-year twinning partnership, with the City of Gdynia, Poland, following the Plymouth Anglo-Polish Cultural Society alliance in 1976. The National Westminster Bank, Plymouth building, formerly the National Provincial Bank shows behind. It was part of the city’s rebuilding strategy after the Second World War and constructed between 1956 and 1959. Behind the portico, the wall is decorated with turquoise mosaic. It gained listed building status in 2009. The artwork is exhibited to illustrate the story entitled “Continuity Conundrum”. The water of the fountain signifies ‘continuity’ through the upward flow, whilst the ‘conundrum’; is reflected by the water falling to earth, and also when the fountain is not functioning. Presented as a reflected framed poster for the ‘Your Future Self’ Artwork Collection. Published 7 September 2024. Copyright ©.

  1. Poem Title Artwork: ‘Illusion Of Continuity’ by F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©.

Digital Artwork Photograph, June 2015. of an artificially constructed stepped water channel towards a mini bridge, in Drake’s Place, Plymouth public park, bordered by flower beds. Presented through a green circular opening in a poster-type frame, with shadow below. The falling steps water flow channel, signifies the ‘Illusion In Continuity’, as the water flows thereafter underground, represented by the artworks’ below oval-shaped shadow. Exhibited to illustrate the poem: ‘Illusion Of Continuity’ and for the article discussion about “Your Future Self’”, part of the Artwork’s Collection. Published 7 September 2024. Copyright ©.

  1. Song Lyrics Title Artwork: ‘Like Rivers, We Keep Flowing’ by F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©.

Digital Photograph taken in April 2024, showing the fast-flowing frothing water in the river Tavy, with fresh growing leaves on the bank and green covered rocks on the bed of the river. Placed in a green frame, shown as a painting against a wall. Just as rivers keep flowing, so does the ageing process of humans continue, and their choice to evolve and change. The painting is exhibited to illustrate the song lyrics ‘We’ll Find Our True And Shifting Place’, and is part of the ‘Your Future Self’ Artwork Collection’. Published 7 September 2024. Copyright ©.

  1. Topic Title Artwork: ‘With Small, Continuous Steps We Evolve’ by F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©

Digital Photograph on an overcast day with grey skies, taken in August 2011 of the Plymouth Wheel, sited adjacent to the Plymouth War Memorial complex on Plymouth Hoe. The wheel represents the continuous steps needed, whilst the Naval Memorial acknowledges the enduring history, and the people of Plymouth’s ongoing and evolving relationship with the sea. The digital borderless mounted photograph is hung against a wall. Exhibited as an artwork, as part of the ‘Your Future Self’ Artwork Collection’ and article discussion. Published 7 September 2024. Copyright ©.

  1. Thought of the Day Title Artwork: ‘Anchored To A Sense Of Continuity’ by F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©

Digital Photograph taken June 2016, in Armada Way, Plymouth on the route to Plymouth Hoe. The photograph show a large ships Anchor from H.M.S. Ark Royal. Its plaque reads:- “This anchor from H.M.S. Ark Royal was presented to the Lord Mayor Councillor Graham Jinks for the City of Plymouth by the Admiral of the Fleet, the Lord Hill-Norton G.C.B., on behalf of the Admiralty Board on 24th April, 1980. The anchor is marked “W. L. Byers & Co Ltd Sunderland. The blue wavy frame represents the sea and the ‘Thought Of The Topic’, for which it illustrates. Exhibited and Published 7 September 2024. Copyright ©.



Table Of Contents

Your Future Self - Article

Article Series:

Illusion Of Continuity: Reflections On Change And The Future Of AI


A Further Reflection

Year 2034

Change And Continuity Jokes And ‘Thought of The Day’


Continuity Conundrum - Story

A Fictional Tale

Illusion Of Continuity - Poem

We’ll Find Our True And Shifting Place – Song Lyrics


Thought Of The Day

Thought Of The Topic




Artificial Intelligence














Photographs & Art Works

Places To Visit






Science & Space

Short Stories





Image Citations

Table Of Contents





Copyright ©

My Lap Shop Publishers

Keywords: adaptability, AI development, change, cognitive evolution, continuity, empathy, evolving identity, future self, growth, human-AI interaction, identity, illusion of continuity, introspective iteration, iterative intelligence, learning, memory, mindset, personal growth, perspective, psychological change, reflection, self-awareness, Shankar Vedantam, transformation.

Hashtags: #adaptability, #AIdevelopment, #change, #cognitiveevolution, #continuity, #empathy, #evolvingidentity, #futureself, #growth, #humanAIinteraction, #identity, #illusionofcontinuity, #introspectiveiteration, #iterativeintelligence, #learning, #memory, #mindset, #personalgrowth, #perspective, #psychologicalchange, #reflection, #selfawareness, #ShankarVedantam, #transformation.

Created: 7 September 2024

Published: 7 September 2024

Updated 7 September 2024©

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