Ballad Of Plympton's Hope
- Song
Echoes Of Plympton’s Resilience –
Short Story
In Plympton’s Fields, Through War’s
Loud Roar - Poem
Marriages During The
War At Plympton
During The Second World War 1939 to 1945 – Book
St Mary’s Church Plympton History
Tale Of St Mary’s, Plympton – Song
Tapestry Of
Resilience & Unity – War Time Article
Treasure Hunt In St
Mary’s Churchyard, Plympton Fictional Short Story
Book: Plympton During The
Second World War 1939 to 1945
Author: Arthur L Clamp
Plympton During The Second World War 1939 to 1945
NFS, Fireguards,
POWS, VE Celebrations, Rest Centres,
ARP, Shelters, Civil Defence HQ Staff,
Group Gordons, WVS Ladies, 1944, Photograph. Civilians, Treverbyn Council
Offices, Major White, Mr Morecambe, First Aid, Mrs Bishop, Mrs Phillips, Mrs
Cook, Mrs Perry, W. V. S, Mr Bastin, Underwood, Colonel Rogers, Head Warden, Mr
Beattie, Woodford, Mr Cook, Ridgeway, Mr Studley, Deputy Head Warden, Commander
Reynolds, Training, Lieutenant Colonel Phillips, Colonel Rogers, Head Warden,
Mrs Kevern, Training, Mrs Rydall, Miss Osborne, and others.
Artworks, Design & Photographs Index
Other Photographs & Art Works By F McCullough
Other Museums And Places To Visit
Science & Space Articles & Conversations
Poetry & Song Lyrics
Keywords: NFS, Fireguards,
POWS, VE Celebrations, Rest Centres, ARP,
Shelters, Civil Defence HQ Staff, Group Wardens, WVS Ladies, 1944,
Photograph. Civilians, Treverbyn Council Offices, Major White, Mr Morecambe, First
Aid, Mrs Bishop, Mrs Phillips, Mrs Cook, Mrs Perry, W. V. S, Mr Bastin,
Underwood, Colonel Rogers, Head Warden, Mr Beattie, Woodford, Mr Cook,
Ridgeway, Mr Studley, Deputy Head Warden, Commander Reynolds, Training,
Lieutenant Colonel Phillips, Colonel Rogers, Head Warden, Mrs Kevern, Training,
Mrs Rydall, Miss Osborne, Others, In Plympton’s Fields Through War’s Loud Roar,
Song, Plympton, Second World War, WW2, Echoes Of Plympton’s Resilience, Short
Story, Arthur L Clamp, Plymouth, Devon, England, United Kingdom, Wartime
Reunion In Plympton, Ballad of Plympton's Hope, Ballard,
Hashtags: #NFS, #Fireguards,
#POWS, #VECelebrations, #RestCentres, #ARP, # Shelters, #CivilDefenceHQStaff,
#GroupWardens, #WVSLadies, #1944, #Photograph. #Civilians,
#TreverbynCouncilOffices, #MajorWhite, #MrMorecambe, #FirstAid, #MrsBishop,
#MrsPhillips, #MrsCook, #MrsPerry, #WVS, #MrBastin, #Underwood, #ColonelRogers,
#HeadWarden, #MrBeattie, #Woodford, #MrCook, #Ridgeway, #MrStudley,
#DeputyHeadWarden, #CommanderReynolds, #Training, #LieutenantColonelPhillips,
#ColonelRogers, #HeadWarden, #MrsKevern, #Training, #MrsRydall, #MissOsborne,
#Others, #InPlymptonsFieldsThroughWarsLoudRoar, #Song, #Plympton,
#SecondWorldWar,# WW2, #EchoesOfPlymptonsResilience, #ShortStory,
#ArthurLClamp, #Plymouth, #Devon, #England, #UnitedKingdom, #UK,
#WartimeReunionInPlympton, #BalladOfPlymptonsHope, #Ballard, #ShortStory,
Created: 29 October 2023
Published: 29 October 2023