Economic Growth Collection

Artwork Series

Other Artwork By F McCullough Copyright 2024 ©

Table of Contents

Economic Growth Collection Artwork Series

Artwork 1

Growing Economic Growth

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

GROWING ECONOMIC GROWTH: The artwork has a background of tiny green leaves growth, in this case a photograph of periwinkle leaves. The text ‘Economic Growth’ has been overlaid and exaggerated. The golden colour of the text, reflects this artwork’s collection theme of a possible golden future through collaboration. It is presented with a bounding boarder and as a graphic artwork.


Artwork 2

Golden Bridge Opportunity

 By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

GOLDEN BRIDGE OPPORTUNITY: The golden colour of the stone-built brick bridge has been tinted golden to reflect the poem’s concept. Based on a photograph taken of the bridge over the River Tavy in Tavistock, Devon, surrounded by reflections and mature greenery. Framed and displayed as a digital painting. The bridge represents the past and the potential future, and one possible way to get there.


Artwork 3

Golden Arc

 By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

GOLDEN ARC: The golden arc artwork was created from a photograph of a rising sun, set against the backdrop of clouds to create an abstract montage. It is a composite of the same picture with the top image being manipulated into an arc, and overlayed. The concept of the song lyrics, being a golden arc of a new dawn, reflects collaboration to strengthen economic growth. The dual photographic digital artwork is presented upright in the shape of a coaster, the forward shadow lights it from behind, meaning we have the potential for a ‘new dawn’ in our future.


Artwork 4


Targeting Bridges

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

TARGETING BRIDGES: Adapted from the creation ‘The Golden Bridge’, also part of the ‘Economic Growth Collection’  series. The artwork has been reshaped to place a targeted bullet point at its core, and is surrounded by the title of the original manipulated digital painting’s text. It’s forward reflection, shows the concept described in the story of focused determination, and with an action plan, the desired outcome could become a real possibility. Additionally, the curves and arcs of the resulting artwork symbolise the global nature of economics.


Artwork 5

Wisteria Flower Growth

 By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

WISTERIA FLOWER GROWTH: The beauty of the purple and pale lilac of the wisteria flowers, taken from a photograph, represent successful growth and abundance, that is a long-term possibility for the concept of economic growth, which is why this flower was chosen. In Korea the Wister flowers represent devotion that transcends death. In the Japanese culture, the flower is reputed to be a symbol of good luck, success and longevity. Both reflect the topic’s concept of creating the right environmental conditions, with the hope that all Countries may achieve successful economic growth over the longer-term, and each aspect being represented by the long, pendulous racemes’ individual flowers. The purple wavy bounding panoramic aspect, signifies that there is scope for adaptation. The rarity in nature, of the purple colour tones, represents elusiveness and the challenges in trying to achieve economic growth consistently. This highly aromatic wisteria plant took seven years to grow, before it flowered in my garden, meaning it takes a while to nurture economic growth to fulfilment, as well as its flowers scenting the air most sweetly. It is presented as a digital photographic artwork and exhibited as the fifth artwork in the ‘Economic Growth Collection’ Artwork Series.


Artwork 6

Aiming High

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

AIMING HIGH: This pyramid-type-shaped digital painting, evolved from the ‘Growing Economic’ graphic artwork, displayed previously. The green and gold colour theme concept, of the ‘Economic Growth Collection’ continues in this final exhibit of Part 1, of this article series. It represents growing growth to an apex. The pyramid was warped into this wavy shape, to indicate the journey to the top, which has many turns and curves along the way. The artwork was placed on a textured canvas, thereby giving substance to the economic ideas discussed. The white abstract surface shape that resulted, could be interpreted as an imaginary space-ship, navigating the path to the top, and at its core, the power needed to get there.


Artwork 7


Abundant Growth

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

ABUNDANT GROWTH: A garden photograph of Saxifraga × urbium flowers, which was given the name ‘London Pride’ following colonising London, after the Blitz of the Second World War. The photograph has been overlaid by the text ‘Economic Growth’ and leads the second part in this economic article series. Whilst London Pride is held to stand for frivolity, however in this context, the abundancy of flowers and its ability to spread easily, represents that economic growth when placed in the right frame of reference and location, economic growth can thrive. Exhibited as a digital photograph.


Artwork 8

Summit Abstract

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

SUMMIT ABSTRACT: Part of the ‘Economic Growth Collection’ Artwork Series. The green pyramid has been reframed in Part Two of the Economic Growth Article, to give a 3D aspect. It points upward to illustrate the progress of growth needed. The textured canvas is bounded by a green dotted line, indicating that economic growth is capable of start – stop, and restart again behaviours. The colour green and gold palette, gives the hint that economic growth needs to be in alignment with actions to achieve environmental priorities and considerations.


Artwork 9

Global Economics

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

GLOBAL ECONOMICS: The ‘Golden Arc’ coaster image from Part 1 of the ‘Economic Growth’ article, has been further manipulated, and placed within a golden sky of a planet-like artwork. Lighted from above, the reflection below, represents that there are always shadows beneath the aims of economic growth that may cause set-backs. The image is also gently divided into four segments with reflections. The ‘Golden Arc’ text, has been wrapped around the shape of a globe that shows an ‘equator’ line. The resulting floating-type image, is exhibited as a digital creation and forms part of the ‘Economic Growth Collection’ Artwork Series.


Artwork 10

Circular Economics

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

CIRCULAR ECONOMICS: Part of the purple’s theme of this ‘Economic Growth Collection’ artwork series. This abstract lifebelt shaped digital creation, is intended to illustrate the complexities of ‘economic growth’ and its cyclical nature. The top layer, is embellished with patterns ranging from dark to light, suggesting the ups and downs of any economic cycle. The white negative spaces and breaks, signify the uncertain nature of economic growth. Exhibited as a 3-D image, the painting’s wavy frame represents the outer limits of indeterminate growth’s boundaries.


Artwork 11

Magic Lamp Of Economics

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

MAGIC LAMP OF ECONOMICS: Exhibited as a framed digital painting, it is part of the ‘Economic Growth Collection’ artwork series. The image was extracted from the purple and lilac colours of wisteria’s flowers, and manipulated into the shape of an abstract lamp, to reflect the opaque nature of economics that has complex facets. It was set against a white backdrop, to simplify the indeterminable shape of the outline. The lamp was given the title of ‘magic’, as it looks like an ‘Aladdin’ type mystic lamp, suggesting it might contain a ‘Genie’.


Artwork 12

Tea Economics

By F McCullough

Copyright 2024 ©

TEA ECONOMICS: Economic Growth Teapot – Time For Debate. London Pride’s flowers have been imprinted onto the surface image of a teapot. Through manipulation, the scene has been digitally displaced onto a coaster, implying that it is time for a ‘cuppa’. The ‘Thought Of The Day’ theme “Engaged Communities Support And Sustain Infrastructure Projects” is suggesting getting together to discuss the opportunities around economic growth. The topic’s text words ‘economic growth’ are also included visually. This artwork has been adapted from the original garden photograph and concludes this article’s topic subject matter, in the ‘Economic Growth Collection’ artwork series.


Economic Growth Article Part 1

Economic Growth Article Part 2


Table of Contents





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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence




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Health Articles


Battle Of Waterloo Index

Glimpses of The Past


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Artworks, Design & Photographs Index

Other Photographs & Art Works By F McCullough

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Table of Contents



Table Of Contents

Artwork Series

Economic Growth Collection Artwork Series

Artwork 1

Artwork 2

Artwork 3

Artwork 4

Artwork 5

Artwork 6

Artwork 7

Artwork 8

Artwork 9

Artwork 10

Artwork 11

Artwork 12




Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence














Photographs & Art Works

Places To Visit






Science & Space

Short Stories



Table Of Contents





Copyright ©

My Lap Shop Publishers

Keywords and Cluster Keywords: Art, design, Economic Growth, image, photograph, digital, painting, digital painting, artwork, artwork series, art collection, collection, colour, text, form, texture, shape, Computer art, Computer generated imagery, Computer-generated, Computer-generated visual media, media, visual, Digital technology art, Generative art, Multimedia art, New media art, Three-dimensional, Exhibition, display, Unique visual effect, visual media, digital media,

accountability, adaptive learning, advisory boards, balanced investment, bridge, carbon emissions, clear regulations, community engagement, continuous learning, contractual agreements, cost-benefit analysis, digital infrastructure, due diligence, economic growth, education reform, energy efficiency, environmental impact, financial incentives, financial viability, green buildings, green technologies, human-machine collaboration, innovation hubs, intellectual property, investment climate, job creation, joint ventures, knowledge exchange, legal frameworks, life-cycle assessments, local content requirements, long-term planning, monitoring and oversight, performance-based contracts, policy coherence, public-private partnerships, renewable energy, resource management, risk mitigation, smart technologies, social equity, stakeholder engagement, strategic framework, sustainable development, technological advancements, transparency, urban planning, workforce development.


#Art, #design, #EconomicGrowth, #image, #photograph, #digital, #painting, #digitalpainting, #artwork, #artworkseries, #artcollection, #collection, #colour, #text, #form, #texture, #shape, #Computerart, #Computergeneratedimagery, #Computergenerated, #Computergeneratedvisualmedia, #media, #visual, #Digitaltechnologyart, #Generativeart, #Multimediaart, #Newmediaart, #Threedimensional, #Exhibition, #display, #Uniquevisualeffect, #visualmedia, #digitalmedia,


#accountability, #adaptivelearning, #advisoryboards, #balancedinvestment, #bridge, #carbonemissions, #clearregulations, #communityengagement, #continuouslearning, #contractualagreements, #costbenefitanalysis, #digitalinfrastructure, #duediligence, #economicgrowth, #educationreform, #energyefficiency, #environmentalimpact, #financialincentives, #financialviability, #greenbuildings, #greentechnologies, #humanmachinecollaboration, #innovationhubs, #intellectualproperty, #investmentclimate, #jobcreation, #jointventures, #knowledgeexchange, #legalframeworks, #lifecycleassessments, #localcontentrequirements, #longtermplanning, #monitoringandoversight, #performancebasedcontracts, #policycoherence, #publicprivatepartnerships, #renewableenergy, #resourcemanagement, #riskmitigation, #smarttechnologies, #socialequity, #stakeholderengagement, #strategicframework, #sustainabledevelopment, #technologicaladvancements, #transparency, #urbanplanning, #workforcedevelopment.

Created: 24 June 2024

Published: 24 June 2024

Updated 24 June 2024 ©

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