Battle Of Waterloo

Prussian Intervention & Defeat Of Napoleon

Battle of Waterloo Bicentenary A Brief Account F McCullough

Battle of Waterloo Bicentenary

A Brief Account, Paperback

F McCullough

Table of Contents

The Battle of Waterloo, fought on 18 June 1815, was a defining moment in European history that saw the end of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's rule and marked the beginning of a new era of peace and stability. From the Prussian perspective, their timely intervention in the battle, led by Field Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, played a decisive role in the outcome and showcased the importance of strategic alliances and cooperation in the face of adversity.


Commanded by Field Marshal von Blücher, the Prussian Army consisted of well-trained and disciplined troops. Although not initially engaged in the Battle of Waterloo, the Prussians were operating in the region with the intent to support the British-led coalition forces under the command of the Duke of Wellington.


As the French Army, led by Napoleon, launched a series of attacks against the British-led forces, the Prussian Army was hastening to join the fray. Recognising the strategic importance of supporting their allies, the Prussians manoeuvred towards the battlefield, aiming to arrive in time to tip the scales in favour of the coalition.


The Prussian Army's arrival on the battlefield was both well-timed and crucial. As the French continued their relentless assaults against Wellington's defensive lines, the presence of the Prussian forces added significant pressure on Napoleon's troops. With the French now fighting on two fronts, their chances of breaking through the enemy lines were significantly diminished.


The arrival of the Prussian Army played a critical role in the outcome of the battle. Their intervention forced Napoleon to divert resources to confront the new threat, ultimately weakening the French assault on the British-led coalition forces. The final push came when the French Imperial Guard, Napoleon's elite troops, were committed to a last-ditch assault on the British lines, only to be repelled and forced into retreat. The combined efforts of the British-led forces and the Prussian Army overwhelmed the remaining French forces, sealing their fate.


From the Prussian perspective, the Battle of Waterloo demonstrated the decisive impact of strategic alliances and timely intervention in determining the outcome of a battle. The Prussian Army's support of the British-led coalition forces was instrumental in defeating Napoleon and bringing an end to his rule. The Battle of Waterloo would be remembered as a testament to the importance of unity and cooperation in the face of a common adversary, and the crucial role the Prussian Army played in shaping the course of European history.


Conversation with Open AI’s ChatGPT and Edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2023 ©


Table of Contents



We Saved The Day - Poem


Watercolour Painting Source: Prussian Army, Landwehr Cavalry. About 1814 Royal Collection Trust



Oh, let me tell you, my good friends, when we arrived,


On the field of Waterloo, with the British we contrived,


The French were fierce, and the British needed our aid,


We galloped with our troops, cannons and guns, to join the crusade.




Led by me, Field Marshal von Blücher, our Soldiers marched,


With our bugles and trumpets, in the sun became parched,


Our cannons roared, our bayonets shone in the sun,


And we knew we had to fight, and make a swift run.




We charged forward, with an aim so clear,


And we fought with joint tactics, to bring the end near,


The British welcomed us, on the fields at Waterloo,


And together we fought, for what we both knew we had to do.




The battle raged on, all day and all night,


The sound of death and fury, with unrelenting might,


We, the Prussians fought on, and in our plight,


We hoped that victory, was within our sight.




And in the end, we won, against a mighty foe,


Napoleon’s forces were defeated, and their spirits became low,


We had made warfare, with our troops and infantry,


And we supported our Allies, through brave gallantry.




The story of this fateful day, and my recount outlined,


Of the combat, where Prussians outshined,


For we fought with honour, and bravery too,


As we saved the day, at the Battle of Waterloo.


Poem by Open AI’s ChatGPT, on theme, style and edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2023 ©



Never Be Crossed - Song

Watercolour Painting Source: Prussian Army. Officers, Infantry. drawn 1815 Jan Anthonie Langendijk (1780-1818) Royal Trust Collection


Oh Waterloo, the battle that we'll never forget,


A day of glory, and of regret,


Our brave soldiers fought, with all their might,


And though war was brutal, we believe we were in the right.




Prussia the land of the past, that hasn’t survived,


A nation where Prussians once thrived,


Our kingdom, once so mighty and glorified,


Now gone, and no longer identified.




We fought, alongside the Allied Forces with resolute,


And we charged forward, on hearing our trumpet’s toot,


So, was it all for nought,


This Battle at Waterloo’s onslaught?




Prussia, once a nation of hope,


Now just a memory, that found a slippery slope,


However, let us remember, the story of Prussia’s past,


Of the Battle of Waterloo, where Prussians were unsurpassed.




Oh Waterloo, a battle we'll never forget,


A day of glory, a day of much regret,


And though Prussia may be gone, in name lost,


Prussians still, should never be crossed!




Song by Open AI’s ChatGPT, on theme, style and edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2023 ©




Battle Of Waterloo A Short Account F McCullough Paperback

Battle Of Waterloo

A Short Account

F McCullough Paperback





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We Saved The Day - Poem


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Never Be Crossed - Song


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Navy Army Museum

Royal Collection Trust



Table Of Contents

Prussian Intervention & Defeat Of Napoleon

We Saved The Day - Poem

Never Be Crossed - Song

Artwork / Photos







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Science & Space



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Copyright ©

My Lap Shop Publishers

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Keywords: Battle of Waterloo, Blücher, British History, Duke of Wellington, European History, French Empire, Napoleon Bonaparte, Prussian Army, Warfare, Waterloo 200

Hashtags: #BattleOfWaterloo, #Blücher, #BritishHistory, #DukeOfWellington, #EuropeanHistory, #FrenchEmpire, #NapoleonBonaparte, #PrussianArmy, #Warfare, #Waterloo200

Created: 21 March 2023

Published: 25 March 2023

Updated 25 March 2023 ©

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