Battle Of Waterloo
Of Waterloo, Bicentenary A Brief Account
F McCullough
obelisk stands as a tribute to all those who fought and died in the Battle of
Waterloo. We honour their memory and acknowledge the debt of gratitude we owe
to those who laid down their lives for the greater good. May this monument
serve as a lasting reminder of their bravery and sacrifice, inspiring us to
uphold the values for which they gave their lives.
Drafted By Open AI’s ChatGPT and Edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2023 ©
Bienvenue, mes amis, to my song so grand,
About the Battle of Waterloo, on Belgium’s land,
C'était une bataille, with a will so strong,
And though we did lose, our spirit lasted long.
Les Anglais and les Prussiens, they fought with might,
But we charged forward, with all our fight,
We fought with courage, and a spirit so true,
And we pushed back their armies, where they didn’t have clue.
Mais hélas, mes amis, in the end we did fall,
Our weapons, our guns, and despite cannonball,
But we fought with honour, and a spirit so strong,
And we remember the battle, where we got it wrong.
Maintenant, let's take a moment, pour parler of the fight,
And though we may have lost, our spirit still did shine so bright,
Les Anglais et les Prussiens, they fought with honour so true,
And we will always remember, the things they did construe.
So let us remember, mes amis, the story of our past,
Of the Battle of Waterloo, where our courage did last,
For though we may have lost, our spirit still rings true,
And we will always remember, the things that we did construe.
Bienvenue, mes amis, à ma chanson si grande,
De la bataille de
Waterloo, sur cette terre
si lande,
C'était une bataille, avec une volonté si forte,
Et bien que nous ayons perdu, notre
esprit a duré longtemps.
Les Anglais et les Prussiens, ils ont combattu avec force,
Mais nous avons avancé, avec toute notre force,
Nous avons combattu avec courage, et un esprit si vrai,
Et nous avons repoussé leurs armées, où ils n'avaient pas d'issue.
Mais hélas, mes amis, à la fin, nous sommes tombés,
Notre leader, Napoléon, capturé et forlorn,
Mais nous avons combattu avec honneur, et un esprit si fort,
Et nous nous souvenons de la bataille, où nous n'appartenions pas.
Maintenant, prenons un moment, pour parler du combat,
Et bien que nous ayons peut-être perdu, notre esprit brillait si fort,
Les Anglais et les Prussiens, ils ont combattu avec honneur si vrai,
Et nous nous souviendrons toujours, des choses qu'ils ont construites.
Alors, rappelons-nous,
mes amis, l'histoire de notre passé,
De la bataille de
Waterloo, où notre courage a duré,
Car bien que nous ayons peut-être perdu, notre esprit reste vrai,
Et nous nous souviendrons toujours, des choses que nous avons construites.
Welcome, my friends, to my song so grand,
Of the battle of Waterloo, on this fair land,
It was a battle, with a will so strong,
And although we lost, our spirit lasted long.
The English and the Prussians, they fought with might,
But we charged forward, with all our fight,
We fought with courage, and a spirit so true,
And we pushed back their armies, where they did not have a clue.
But alas, my friends, in the end, we did fall,
Our leader, Napoleon, captured and forlorn,
But we fought with honour, and a spirit so strong,
And we remember the battle, where we did not belong.
Now, let's take a moment, to speak of the fight,
And although we may have lost, our spirit still shone so bright,
The English and the Prussians, they fought with honour so true,
And we will always remember, the things they did construe.
So let us remember, my friends, the story of our past,
Of the battle of Waterloo, where our courage did last,
For although we may have lost, our spirit still rings true,
And we will always remember, the things that we did construe.
Poem by Open AI’s ChatGPT, on theme, style and edited by F McCullough, Copyright 2023 ©
Battle Of Waterloo, Bicentenary A Brief Account
F McCullough
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Keywords: Battle of Waterloo, Blücher, British History, Duke of Wellington, European
History, French Empire, Napoleon Bonaparte, Prussian Army, Warfare, Waterloo
Hashtags: #BattleOfWaterloo,
#Blücher, #BritishHistory, #DukeOfWellington, #EuropeanHistory, #FrenchEmpire,
#NapoleonBonaparte, #PrussianArmy, #Warfare, #Waterloo200
Created: 21 March 2023
Published: 22 March 2023
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