91 Mayflower Street, Unit 222, Plymouth, Devon PL1 1SB
Calls to this number vary depending on your landline or service provider. A Service Charge of 13p per minute is made in addition to the access charge made by your telecom provider.
For example as at 1 August 2015: from a BT landline calls cost 13p Service Charge for the first minute, and 13p Service Charge for each subsequent minute, plus 10p Access Charge per minute, therefore costing 23p per minute to numbers 0871 560 5297.
For example: Phoning from a Vodafone mobile as at the 1 August 2015 cost 13p Service Charge for the first minute, and 13p Service Charge for each subsequent minute, plus 23p Access Charge per minute, therefore costing 36p per minute to number 0871 560 5297.
See http://www.area-codes.org.uk/0871-numbers.php to calculate likely cost of call from your provider.